It's been a year or more, I guess...meh, more.
There was a time when I enjoyed blogging to a place beyond idle blog worship. I' glad those days are past. I don't know if I've grown much since then, but I do at least have a high value for life and all that it gives us. I should qualify that all life was given by the Creator, so in that context, I should watch what I write (think, for that matter), You know Who is always watching. For that, I am thankful...always.
Since my last blog, which was modestly successful albeit secular and without consideration for our Creator. I find it interesting in reading back through it as the reformation had already begun. As the time past over the last few months, it became more and more evident that something was going on within me. Even still, the last few blog posts included some rather offensie language (the post was about my battle with spider mites - I won the battle, but I flamed my pepper plants...and half the block...dare I say..."malathion"...straight up, no dilution). I was angry...quite.
As I was saying, at some point about two years ago, I began to die (that is Bible speak for quitting the game of darrts, enjoying beer to the extreem, and basically living a selfish life). The concept is dying in our own sin and living in the light. My cofession is that I still have a modest desire to be that old man that I once was.
I am still fighting laziness, though. That is the selfish part of me that I suspect will always be in me. I suppose that there are worse selfish weaknesses. Ok, I am still stuck on watching baseball and college football.
[I should insert a photograph here in case someone happens by the blog. Without photos, no one will read it. Actually, I may be ok with that.]
So, there was a point to all this rabble? Yeah I am so much more capable to blog now than ever. I even have worth while stuff about which to write...stuff like; weeds, birds, bugs and church stuff...
...and I have a laptop and a smart phone.
Oh, yeah. the photo.
I screwed up the photo in Photoshop.